Packer and Vault

Packer and Vault

  • Packer is an open source tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration.

  • Vault Secure, store and tightly control access to tokens, passwords, certificates, encryption keys for protecting secrets and other sensitive data using a UI, CLI, or HTTP API.

I wrote a little intro about Packer at previous post.

When building Packer images you have to handle secrets such as the root user/password of your new image, and you don’t want to keep that kind of sensible data neither hardcoded in a versioned template, nor unversioned in your local machine. Vault could be a great partner for keeping and managing that kind of things under control. I’m showing an example about creating some secrets inside Vault and reference them in a Packer template so that Packer can ask Vault for those secrets when building a new image.

Startup Vault

First of all start up a new Vault instance. I’m starting Vault in development mode:

startup vault (dev)
[mario@localhost$] vault server -dev
WARNING! dev mode is enabled! In this mode, Vault runs entirely in-memory
and starts unsealed with a single unseal key. The root token is already
authenticated to the CLI, so you can immediately begin using Vault.

You may need to set the following environment variable:

    $ export VAULT_ADDR=''

The unseal key and root token are displayed below in case you want to
seal/unseal the Vault or re-authenticate.

Unseal Key: wYZVb0bkahGPeVdyjGWBs/UPZ4qoSLFXhubpsl7fiEM=
Root Token: s.3vMd4W3jEpGtbp5no1IpUt3d

Development mode should NOT be used in production installations!
Not use this development mode in production

Open another shell and export VAULT_ADDR and VAULT_DEV_ROOT_TOKEN_ID (Root Token). That’ll enable Packer to access Vault values in this shell:

[mario@localhost$] export VAULT_ADDR=''
[mario@localhost$] export VAULT_DEV_ROOT_TOKEN_ID='s.3vMd4W3jEpGtbp5no1IpUt3d'

Create a Packer secret store

Next step is to create a secrets store of type kv in the path packer

enable secret store
[mario@localhost$] vault secrets enable -path=packer kv

Not I can store the username and password I’m going to use in my Debian VM later on.

enter secrets in new path
[mario@localhost$] vault write packer/debian username=admindebian password=supersecret

Lets make sure both value are in there

checking values
[mario@localhost$] vault get kv packer/debian

Reference your secrets in templates

Now that we’ve entered our secrets in Vault, we can reference those values in our Packer templaes:

use vault values in templates
    "variables": {
        "username": "{{ vault `packer/debian` `username` }}",
        "password": "{{ vault `packer/debian` `password`}}"
            "type": "qemu",
            "vm_name": "debian-10-{{build_type}}",

            "iso_url": "",
            "iso_checksum": "7915fdb77a0c2623b4481fc5f0a8052330defe1cde1e0834ff233818dc6f301e",
            "iso_checksum_type": "sha256",

            "memory": "2048",
            "disk_size": "5000",
            "cpus": 2,

            "ssh_username": "{{ user `username` }}",
            "ssh_password": "{{ user `password` }}",
            "shutdown_command": "echo '{{ user `password` }}' | sudo -S shutdown -h now",
            "ssh_timeout": "10m",

            "http_directory": "http",
            "boot_command": [
                "install ",
                "auto=true ",
                "priority=critical ",
                "interface=auto ",

                "url=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/debian-10-vault.cfg ",

                "passwd/user-fullname=Debian Admin ",
                "passwd/username={{ user `username` }} ",
                "passwd/user-password={{ user `password` }} ",
                "passwd/user-password-again={{ user `password` }} ",

    "provisioners": [
            "type": "shell",
            "scripts": [
  • You can only reference vault values as default values in variables block

  • You have to use the vault function with the secret store name and the name of the value stored

vault values as default variable values
"variables": {
    "username": "{{ vault `packer/debian` `username` }}",
    "password": "{{ vault `packer/debian` `password`}}"
  • You can then use the user function in the rest of the template

user function
"ssh_username": "{{ user `username` }}"


Now if you execute a Packer build, build will ask Vault to give it the secrets referenced in its templates, so that you don’t have to be worried about storing or managing that kind of information.
