DS - Pandas - DataFrame Indexing

This is part of a series of articles dedicated to study Data Science using Python. This article aims to review some indexing DataFrame theory going through an example.

The Data

We have a list of students attending different universities. At the beginning we are indexing all students by the university they enrolled in.

initial data
import pandas as pd

peterj = pd.Series({"name": "Peter Johnson", "city": "NYC", "age": 22})
marcus = pd.Series({"name": "Marcus Ron", "city": "NYC", "age": 23})
annagu = pd.Series({"name": "Anna Guta", "city": "PAR", "age": 24})
johnro = pd.Series({"name": "John Roberts", "city": "NYC", "age": 23})
valeri = pd.Series({"name": "Valerie Son", "city": "PAR", "age": 22})

people = pd.DataFrame([peterj, marcus, annagu, johnro, valeri], index=["UAM", "UAM", "UCM", "UCM", "UAM"])

That allows us to query the DataFrame easily to answer questions like the names of the students at UAM:

getting UAM students DataFrame
uam_students_df = people.iloc["UAM", ["name"]]

But what if we’d liked to know which UAM students are from NYC:

UAM students from NYC
uam_students_df = people.loc["UAM"]
uam_older_than_22 = uam_students_df[uam_students_df["city"] == "NYC"]

We got it, but it would be nice to be able to filter by both conditions at once. As far as I’m aware there’re at least two ways to do it: Boolean masking and Multilevel Indexing. Both approaches require to dig a little bit more about DataFrame indexes.

Boolean Masking

To create a boolean mask involving the university and the city, I need to move the index values to a column and then concatenate the boolean mask with the university and the boolean mask regarding the city:

use boolean mask to query DataFrame
import pandas as pd

peterj = pd.Series({"name": "Peter Johnson", "city": "NYC", "age": 22})
marcus = pd.Series({"name": "Marcus Ron", "city": "NYC", "age": 23})
annagu = pd.Series({"name": "Anna Guta", "city": "PAR", "age": 24})
johnro = pd.Series({"name": "John Roberts", "city": "NYC", "age": 23})
valeri = pd.Series({"name": "Valerie Son", "city": "PAR", "age": 22})

people = pd.DataFrame([peterj, marcus, annagu, johnro, valeri], index=["UAM", "UAM", "UCM", "UCM", "UAM"])

# creating a new column
people["UNI"] = people.index

# removing current index and leaving the default numeric index
people = people.reset_index(drop=True)

# concatenating two boolean masks
uam_from_nyc = people[(people["UNI"] == "UAM") & (people["city"] == "NYC")]

Multilevel Indexing

This approach can be seen as the opposite as the boolean masking strategy. Here instead of moving the index to a column, a column will become part of the index so that we can use the loc function to get the information I want.

use multilevel index to query DataFrame
import pandas as pd

peterj = pd.Series({"name": "Peter Johnson", "city": "NYC", "age": 22})
marcus = pd.Series({"name": "Marcus Ron", "city": "NYC", "age": 23})
annagu = pd.Series({"name": "Anna Guta", "city": "PAR", "age": 24})
johnro = pd.Series({"name": "John Roberts", "city": "NYC", "age": 23})
valeri = pd.Series({"name": "Valerie Son", "city": "PAR", "age": 22})

people = pd.DataFrame([peterj, marcus, annagu, johnro, valeri], index=["UAM", "UAM", "UCM", "UCM", "UAM"])

# creating a multilevel index
people_by_uni_and_city = people.set_index([people.index, "city"])
people_by_uni_and_city.index.names = ["UNI", "CITY"]

# using loc function to get the information just passing index values
uam_from_nyc = people_by_uni_and_city.loc["UAM", "NYC"]